We Can’t Breathe

One student’s takeaway from the divided nation, rage and chaos filling the streets

By Mariana Nunez

George Floyd was killed on the afternoon of May 25th at the hands of the four police officers. Police brutality is something that can’t be justified by any means. It is absurd, cruel and distorts the image that the police have in our society which is to ¨protect and serve the community¨ They did the opposite. They made a community feel unsafe because of their actions.

Who were the individuals responsible for this tragedy?
There are four cops who were responsible for the incident regarding Mr.Floyd´s death. These cops took advantage of Mr. Floyd and unfortunately ended his life.

Being humble should be part of the cop training. Justice will be served. Four individuals sinned and the entire force of police has suffered the consequences. They discredit the depiction of not only the police department but themselves, and their family. Their careers are ruined permanently and they will spend a long time, if not the rest of their lives, in prison. A widow, children without a father, and sadly an event that will stay in history as a menace to the black community.

Protests & riots

The First Amendment of our nation gives every person the right to protest peacefully. Riots are by definition not peaceful. The looting and the massive destruction that we saw this past week will not help fix the issue at all, instead it will create a massive setback to our economy.

We have been battling with the Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic and the states were starting to reopen their businesses in a sequential order. Thousands of small businesses along with corporate businesses have been destroyed. Now many of these businesses are burned out completely and looted just as they were getting ready to reopen. It surely seems like these lootings were premeditated because of how successful they were.

These ¨protests¨ are completely fraudulent. This is not what Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. stood up for. He stood up for peaceful protests.

¨In spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace. We adopt the means of nonviolence because our end is a community at peace with itself. We will try to persuade with our words, but if our words fail, we will try to persuade with our acts. Here is the true meaning and value of compassion and nonviolence, when it helps us to see the enemy’s point of view, to hear his questions, to know his assessment of ourselves. For from his view we may indeed see the basic weaknesses of our own condition, and if we are mature, we may learn and grow and profit from the wisdom of the brothers who are called the opposition. Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it. It is a sword that heals.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

The protesters started chanting the following message. “No Justice. No Peace.” But the four offending police officers have been arrested. They are now part of a judicial trial and they will get their due process. Justice is being served so what are protestors and rioters asking for now? Will they stop protesting once these criminals are sent to jail?

What the media won’t tell you.
The media pushed the narrative that “White Supremacists” started the riots when in fact, it was ANTIFA supporters. President Trump on June 1, declared Antifa as a domestic terrorist group. A group that hates freedom of speech and violently hates any opinion that goes against their views. (They rush to call anyone opposing them a racist or fascist. A great majority of these individuals range between 14 to late 40’s still living in their parents basement while doing nothing but protesting all the time while pushing their anarchist communistic agenda. Oregon, Washington and California are the states most heavily hit with this movement.

Mainstream media platforms actually provide cover for this group and others, and they are not even trying to be nonpartisan news reporters. They have no bipartisan behavior whatsoever, after Donald J. Trump became president. Since day one many news outlets, including CNN, MSNBC, and others have rushed to call the President a “Neo-Nazi” and a “Fascist”. Now they call for “leadership” from the President when they have been criticizing him for the past three and a half years, while brainwashing the viewers. They are actually creating the divisions they blame on the president, creating division in our country while carrying their left-leaning, pro-liberal agenda. What do these people really want? They are currently taking advantage of the situation to create division in the country. Any crisis will be put to use to attack the president.

The entire “BLM” Black Lives Matter movement is “fighting” to stop police brutality and to enforce the importance of saving black lives. However, their message gets lost when the movement is seen as destructive. Burning businesses and destroying property. People who are part of this BLM movement, or are mixing into that movement, are destroying the property of white people, black people, and other minorities as well. Sadly everyone pays the price.

As for the largest minority in Passaic, let’s address the Hispanic population. Univision and Telemundo are mainstream media platforms. Well known within the Hispanic-Latino people, they ¨inform¨ the news daily. However, their platform has been following a pattern, a pattern of presenting any content that follows their agenda on brainwashing people. Never have I heard any of the reporters say anything good about Trump or the current political administration, ever. All they focus on is negative propaganda. Calling him a racist and a bad president. Then they take the opportunity to spice up the news with the current events of rioting in cities across America, and even around the world. Saying that Trump has not said or done anything about it whatsoever. Somehow it is the fault of the president that local municipalities, run by Democrats for decades, is responsible for the riots.

This is totally wrong, and not what journalists are supposed to do. If you control what people see and hear, you control the outcome of an entire election. It is not the job of a journalist to change peoples’ minds but to inform them to make up their minds for themselves. Mainstream media should retain from biasing their work when informing people about any given topic.

To close, everyone should just do what they know is right. My mom told me a story once. About a man who was a big preacher and this man, wherever he went, he always carried with him a briefcase. One day, someone asked out of curiosity, what was inside this briefcase. The preacher opened up his briefcase and what the other man saw surely surprised him. Inside contained rugged worn out and hole filled homeless clothes. The man asked the preacher why he carried this with him? The preacher said that he carried this for him to always keep in mind where God had saved him from. My mom always tells us that no matter what job or position we get in the future, to never look down on others and to be kind to everyone no matter who the person is.

What do we take from this? What do we learn? What do we need in our society?

We cannot magnify ourselves and fill ourselves with foolish-pride because it gives us false power to abuse those who are below us. Treating our neighbors as ourselves. Not believing ourselves superior but keeping ourselves full of humility. In this way we will have a society without racism and it will not matter the race or the color because we are all humans created by God. More peaceful protests and less police brutality is what we wait for and what is needed. Justice to be served and peace at last for all of us with the help of God.

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