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Dear Aida,

I have a friend who has a problem at home with her mother. They are always fighting and arguing. She tells me she wishes that their relationship would change, so that she can talk to her about her problems in school and life. I wish there was something I was able to do so that she can feel good at home. Do you have any advice you can give?

Sincerely, Alma

AskAidaLogo 2Dear Alma,

Problems at home can be very stressful. Though you want to help your friend, you must understand your place in this situation. These home issues should be resolved by your friend and her mother. You can be supportive of your friend, and suggest that she have a serious talk with her mother to try to improve the situation. If they opened up more and communicated their feelings, they might just come to an understanding. Nonetheless, support your friend and be there for her whenever she needs you. Good luck to your and to your troubled friend.


Dear Aida,

My main concern about going to PHS is the infestation of bugs. I feel like this is a big concern for everyone because the bugs lay eggs and multiply, making the infestation worse. When I was at lunch the other day and I saw a big roach run across the floor of the cafeteria, I just lost my appetite. I know this is an issue that can be solved.

Sincerely, Concerned and grossed out

 Dear Grossed out in the Caf:

We all know that PHS is not perfect, no school is, and there are many areas we can make improvements. I understand that this issue can seem to be out of hand sometimes, but I encourage you to look at the better sides of PHS. We are a school like no other. Every school has its ups and downs but having a good attitude makes all the difference. I think you should make sure you follow all the directives from Mr. DeNaples and make sure you do not add to this problem by eating in class, taking food out of the cafeteria and making sure other students do not eat in class either. You should make sure you are part of the solution and not adding to the problem. Good Luck.


 Dear Aida,

I am writing to you because my friend has a problem. He always slacks off in class. He never does his work and might not be eligible to graduate this year. He is even thinking about dropping out! How can I help him? What can I do?

Concerned, Dante

Dear Dante,

I know you are concerned about your friend, but you cannot pick up a pen or a book and do the work for him. In order for your friend to succeed in his life, he will have to find motivation from within. All you can do is encourage your friend and remind him of all the opportunities he is missing out on, if he does not get his act together. If you think your relationship can weather it, then maybe talk to his parents, or a teacher. Good Luck to you and your troubled friend. I hope he graduates!


Dear Aida,

I am a senior at PHS and it is my last year here. I am looking forward to college, but I am also scared about living on my own. Also, I am worried about the level of work at college. What advice can you give me?

Sincerely, Patel

Dear Patel,

College should be an exciting time in your life! You will be on your own and learning who you will be in life. Being out on your own will allow you to discover who you are. Do not stress about what college has to bring; embrace all the opportunities that will come to you. If you succeeded at PHS then you will succeed in college. Just work hard and believe in yourself.


 Dear Aida,

I am having some big problems. I have a terrible habit of developing a crush; and then when I don’t act on this crush, I get hurt. For example, I liked a guy because I thought his personality rocked, but I didn’t act on this. I didn’t talk to him or tell him how I felt. Then he started dating somebody else! I hate this terrible habit of mine, and I need advice on what to do. I don’t want to talk to a guy and then get hurt.

Not pushy girl

Dear not pushy,

Girl, you should let the guy know how you feel. How do you expect to know if he cares if you don’t tell him or at least give him a signal. Also, you need to have some confidence in yourself. You have potential just like everyone else. Remember the only one holding you back is yourself. Go for it!


Dear Aida,

Lately, my days have consisted of stress and anxiety. I walk around the halls, by myself, just thinking about this school year. I thought my senior year would be great, but even though I don’t find my classes too hard, I stress about the events that come with being a senior. I don’t have many friends, so I can’t say I’m excited for homecoming or prom. My grades are poor so college is a huge question for me. Whether I go to a good school or not, either way I can’t afford it. I know the SAT’s are coming up and they are super important, but I am not confident about how I will do. I feel just so lost this year. I hate to think about it because I have so much work to do. It is just hard and I don’t know how to deal with it all. Help!

Sincerely, Lost and confused

Dear Lost and confused,

You have a lot going on, so let me start off by saying calm down, stress is a mess. It is senior year and it is supposed to be fun. Don’t worry about the things you can’t control and take control of the things that you can. As for college and money, go talk to your guidance counselor. They will be able to offer guidance for how to get into college, how to pay for college and how to get out of high school successfully. As for homecoming and prom and all the other senior activities this year, it doesn’t matter if you have a lot of friends or just one. You should still participate. Go with whomever and have fun. These are the times that you will look back on and remember as the most fun you ever had, or regret not going to anything. Also, by going you can and will make more friends. Good luck with your senior year and remember, we are all in this together!



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